UCF Alumni Association's Professional Development Series - Channeling Your Creative Energy: A Fresh Perspective

Thursday, March 6, 2014 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Professional Development Series is a new and interactive program designed to help UCF alumni develop and enhance their careers by learning and mastering marketable skills. The series includes a variety of topics that cater to alumni at different stages of their careers.

Channeling Your Creative Energy: A Fresh Perspective is the inaugural event of the Professional Development Series. Alumni can expect to gain a renewed outlook on how to truly focus on their inner creativity. Refreshments will be provided and advance registration is required.

Key Takeaways:
Individual predictors of creative performance
How to identify and overcome creativity blocks
10½ strategies to OPEN your mind
The crucial difference between creativity and innovation
How to channel your seven traits of creativity Read More


FAIRWINDS Alumni Center


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