Events and programs for all faculty including career development opportunities and recreational activities.

Friday, February 03, 2017

  • MOSAIC: Health and Wellness/Laughter Yoga Workshop

    Thompson Training Room: Barbara Ying Center

    The MOSAIC program for underrepresented faculty and staff is having a health and wellness/laughter yoga workshop led by Dr. Ann-Shillingford-Butler and Coralis Solomon on campus. Please join us, it is open to everyone!

    Faculty Excellence
  • Being a Mom on the Tenure-Track: Finding a Path to Success

    Classroom Building I: 205

    We will host a one-hour panel presentation comprised of 4-6 women faculty who have successfully achieved tenure or are on the tenure-track at UCF while raising young (below the age of 10) children. The panel will occur on campus during lunch and all UCF faculty will be invited (not just pre-tenured women with children). The goal of the panel will …

    Faculty Excellence