National Male Student Success Conference

Thursday, October 6, 2016 8 a.m. to Saturday, October 8 at 5 p.m.

The conference is intentionally designed for male students. The purpose of the conference is to prepare students for success in the 21st Century and beyond. The conference will serve to create a college-going culture, college-staying and college graduating culture. The theme this year is Creating 21st Century Pathways to Male Success.

This year’s conference will be inspiring and motivating for all. The conference is intentionally designed to engage participants on the following five design principles:

  • Motivating and inspiring first generation males towards educational achievement;
  • Identifying pathways to academic success for male students;
  • Creating a framework for a college-going, college-staying and college-graduating culture;
  • Exploring and resolving underlying cultural and campus related issues which impede the educational achievement of males;
  • Motivating and inspiring males towards educational achievement and degree attainment;
  • Building community partnerships with state colleges, state universities, community-based organizations and community stakeholders.

Your participation at the conference will further enhance the college-going, college-staying, and college-graduating culture for students attending the conference.

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Student Union: Key West Ballroom (Room 218)






