IDEAS Showcase: See 86 Undergrad Engineering Projects

Tuesday, November 25, 2014 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Stop by the 3rd Interdisciplinary
Display for Engineering Analysis Statics (IDEAS) Showcase to see what nearly 300 undergraduate engineering students are working on at UCF. The 86 projects involve physical models, measurements, and comparison of the experimental data with the theoretical calculations, and will be judged by professors and graduate students from UCF's Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering.

The event is Tuesday, Nov. 25, 2-4 p.m., Engineering II Atrium. Click here to read about all the projects.

The IDEAS Showcase promotes creativity, teamwork and
presentation skills of sophomore and junior students, while exposing them to scientific and technological research-based engineering. The goal is to close the gap between theory
and applied engineering at the early stages of engineering education.

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Engineering II



College of Engineering and Computer Science




engineering Undergraduate Admissions UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science