Friday, January 29, 2021

  • "But Before Bone is Skin" curated by Jonell Logan (Recurring Event)

    UCF Art Gallery and Virtual

    Tayari Jones’ book Silver Sparrow is truly the story of women. Mothers and daughters struggling to find their identities and shed legacies that may not be their own. They are all on a quest to define themselves, often bruising and sometimes tearing their skin along the way as they bump against historical, cultural and familial boundaries. But Before Bone is …

    Visual Arts and Design
  • Studio Art Portfolio Info Session


    During this information session, SVAD drawing and design faculty along with our SVAD advising team will give an overview of the Studio Art Portfolio Review process. They’ll also go into detail about the registration process, course requirements, examples of work to include in your portfolio and what reviewers will be looking for as well as helpful tips for submitting your …

    Visual Arts and Design