Dr. Jonathan Beever and Steve Kuebler of the UCF Center for Ethics will lead a zoom-based workshop where you can join others in expressing your thoughts about ethics and Covid-19.
Covid is not just affecting our health and work practices. The way we respond to a pandemic forces us to evaluate our individual and societal needs, our values, and how those must be balanced within limited resources.
We need time to talk through these issues together. Join us for a guided discussion about ethical challenges during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. You’ll hear from us and from your colleagues and leave with a clearer sense of the value conflicts, bioethical and otherwise, that make pandemic conditions challenging and some strategies for making clearer ethical decisions.
12:00 noon - 1:30 pm Eastern Time (Orlando)
Wednesday 22 April 2020
Register here: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/95924764791?pwd=RGEvb1NieitIVzhOZ0ZRTzN2bFJMZz09
Meeting ID: 959 2476 4791
Password: 962005
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