CECS Graduate Programs Virtual Open House: Accelerated B.S. to M.S.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Undergraduates: Did you know you can take graduate-level courses that count toward a master's degree while completing your bachelor's degree program? Join us for our Virtual Open House, where we'll share how highly qualified undergraduates can complete an accelerated B.S. to M.S. in all of our programs.

We'll provide an overview of our programs in Civil, Environmental and Construction Engineering; Computer Science; Electrical and Computer Engineering; Industrial Engineering and Management Systems; Materials Science and Engineering; and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. We'll also discuss the application process and funding opportunities.

Learn more about our Graduate Programs Virtual Open House on our event page, including dates and times for all sessions. You can also download the event flyer, and register to join the event here.

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engineering Computer Science Masters Degree Programs Graduate Programs