Research Recovery Re-Scaling: Industry Webinar Series #1 May 20, 3 PM

Wednesday, May 20, 2020 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management’s Dick Pope Sr. Institute for Tourism Studies conducted a study explicitly tailored to understand the economic impact and coronavirus COVID-19 related challenges faced by small, independent Florida hotels, and bed and breakfasts.

This study has three pivotal goals:

  1. Quantify the economic contributions of small, independent Florida hotels (including their direct and indirect impacts) on Florida’s economy. This data will show how valuable these businesses are to their communities and the State of Florida;
  2. Quantify the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic on the operations and finances of these businesses; and
  3. Provide recommendations to small lodging properties to aid in their recovery

From that study a webinar series was developed to share information with our industry partners. The webinar series provides strategic business information to prepare and support business leaders for the post Covid-19 world. The series discuss different post Covid-19 scenarios, sharing current research-based information and perspectives, which could potentially impact businesses.

This study is unique because it will show the value of small, independent lodgings to Florida’s economy and community.

Webinar #1 Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Time: 3:00PM
Title: The resilience and vulnerability of Small Lodgings in Florida: The Impact of Covid-19


Dr. Manuel Rivera, Principal Investigator
Assistant Dean

Dr. Robertico Croes, Co-Investigator
Associate Dean

Please click the link to access the Research Seminar:

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small hotels economic impact research bed and breakfast