CECS Senior Design Showcase - Judges Needed!

Tuesday, November 30, 2021 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

Planning for this semester’s Senior Design Showcase is in full swing and we hope you will consider signing up as an alumni judge! Our judges will be asked to review projects in the following disciplines: 

  • Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
  • Computer & Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Industrial Engineering & Management Systems
  • Interdisciplinary projects (which will include projects within the Optics & Photonics disciplines). 

Judging is open to ALL our alumni and industry partners. The event will have a hybrid virtual/in-person format this year, and your location will not place any restrictions on your ability to participate! 

November 30th & December 1st
Virtual Judging of Project Video Submissions
(ALL DAY on your own time)

Friday December 3rd
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. ET 
In-Person Showcase on UCF Main Campus with Finalists of all disciplines!

4 – 5:30 p.m. ET 
Awards & Networking Reception
(Awards will be streamed via Zoom) 

You do not have to be present locally and able to attend the Friday event in order to participate as a virtual judge! The deadline to register is Monday, November 15. REGISTER NOW and join your fellow alumni in reviewing the incredible work of our graduating seniors. 

Please note we will be hosting an interactive virtual judges training webinar session on Monday, November 22, that will provide information on judge expectations, an explanation of the project scoring process, and a comprehensive overview of the event timeline for fall’s Showcase.

We are looking forward to another fantastic showcase and hope to see you there! 

Register: https://ucfalumni.com/cecsseniordesign

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College of Engineering and Computer Science Alumni cecs@ucfalumni.com


Events at UCF




College of Engineering and Computer Science UCF Alumni Senior Design Day