Abstract: Electron recollision in an intense laser field gives rise to a variety of phenomena, ranging from electron diffraction to coherent soft X-ray emission. We have, over the years, developed intense sources of waveform-controlled mid-IR light to exploit the process with respect to ponderomotive scaling, quantum diffusion and quasi-static photoemission. I will describe how we leverage these effects to achieve isolated attosecond pulses in the soft X-ray water window across the oxygen edge at 543 eV. Accomplishing ultrafast temporal resolution in combination with the soft X-ray’s element and state specificity now provides an entirely new view on the combined electronic and nuclear dynamics in real time. I will show first results in which we resolve the carrier dynamics in graphite in real time. These results provide first insight into the dynamics of molecules and carriers/lattice.
Bio: PhD in 2001 with distinction from TU Munich, Oberassistent/Habilitation at ETH Zürich. Since 2007 at ICFO, he has pioneered mid-IR photonics, attosecond soft X-rays and laser-induced electron diffraction which led to breakthroughs in imaging chemical dynamics and carrier motion in materials.
He is Associate Editor of APL Photonics and AAAS/CAS Ultrafast Science, Fellow of the Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Fellow of Optica (formerly Optical Society), Fellow of the American Physical Society, recipient of the Thousand Talents Program Award China, the OSA Allen Prize, and Bessel Prize of the Humboldt Foundation, ERC Advanced Grant and ERC Proof of Concept Grant holder. He coordinates a FET Consortium and is part of two FET consortia. Jens Biegert holds an appointment as Adjunct Professor at the University of New Mexico in the USA, as Guest Professor at the Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society at Berlin. He is actively involved in the scientific community, e.g. co-author of the whitebook that lead to the construction of the 1.2-Billion-Euro European Extreme Light Infrastructures, Management Board Member of Laserlab-Europe, Panel Member of the European Research Council and the Volkswagen Foundation, former Chair of the Board of Meetings of Optica, Chair Elect of the Meetings Council of Optica and member of the Strategic Planning Council of Optica. He is member of the Scientific Advisory Board of FORTH in Crete, on the Board of Chairs of ARIE, the Analytical Research Infrastructures of Europe and Executive Director of the “Laserlab-Europe” Association, the largest laser-based research network incorporating 45 leading research infrastructures across 22 countries.
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