Abstract: We review recent developments in Er and Yb based high power fiber frequency combs and introduce their applications in single cycle pulse generation, widely tunable mid and far-IR light sources and frequency conversion to the VUV. We also discuss new methods for precision frequency transfer across multiple octaves demonstrate a relative frequency transfer stability of < 2×10-18 in 1 second.
Bio: Martin Fermann received his Ph.D. from Southampton University, U. K. After a postdoc period at the Technical University of Vienna and Bellcore, USA, he joined IMRA America Inc. in 1992, where he is currently serving as Vice President for Research and Advanced Development. He has been an author or co-author of around 500 technical papers and conference presentations and 150 US patents. His main interests comprise ultrafast optics, frequency combs, precision spectroscopy and metrology, fiber and solid-state lasers. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America.
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