Intellectual Property Rights – ELECTIVE

Friday, October 14, 2022 10 a.m. to noon

This workshop addresses the various conflicts of interest encountered by faculty during their academic and research tenure. The session will address conflicts of interest between faculty and students, financial conflicts of interests related to sponsored research and conflicts of commitments related to faculty members institutional assignments and their private business or consulting activity. The objective of the session is to make the student aware of the various types of conflicts of interests and the student’s role and responsibilities in mitigating such conflicts. The session will use directed learning and case studies to facilitate decision making scenarios.

This workshop is offered through the College of Graduate Studies Pathways to Success professional development program for graduate students. No RSVP or registration is required. See for details. 

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Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213

This event occurs on multiple dates/times. This event takes place at this location on this date.

Event runs on multiple dates (select event date for details)

Date Location
October 7, 2022, 3 p.m. Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213
October 14, 2022, 10 a.m. Graduate Student Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall: 213



Graduate Student Life




Pathways to Success graduate students College of Graduate Studies Graduate Student Center Academic Integrity