Understanding Micromessages

Tuesday, October 18, 2022 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Micromessages and Microaggressions is one of the most frequently requested workshops facilitated by UCF’s Office of Diversity Education and Training. Micromessages are signals that we send to one another through our actions and behaviors. Although these messages may be “small,” their impact can be tremendous. This conversation on micromessages includes an in-depth look at both micro-inequities and micro-affirmations. Microaggressions are brief exchanges that send denigrating messages to marginalized groups and also are examined in detail in this workshop. Throughout this Webcourse, the impact of micromessages and microaggressions on inclusion and equity is emphasized. Areas of focus entail:

  • reflecting on the history behind our current knowledge of micromessages and microaggressions,
  • defining and providing examples of micromessages (both inequities and affirmations) as well as microaggressions,
  • recognizing the personal toll that micro-inequities and microaggressions may have on individuals and the community,
  • understanding the ways in which each of us may stop or reduce the prevalence of micro-inequities and microaggressions, and
  • acknowledging that it takes the dedication of all of us to address and eliminate the many forms of exclusion and noting that micro-affirmations are powerful tools in helping people to reach their full potentials.

Registration Information:
Employees register via Workday. (Home page > Global Navigation > Learning > Discover > Browse Learning)

Students sign up via KnightConnect.

Please note: Pre-registration is REQUIRED by no later than three days prior to the start of the workshop. 

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Barbara Ying Center: 140


Diversity Education and Training (407) 823-6479 diverse@ucf.edu


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Diversity Education and Training