Attend our 4-Hour Qualified Supervisor Recertification Course & earn CEUs! Must register on Eventbrite to attend.
7:30-8:00 AM - Sign in & Registration (coffee and snacks provided)
8:00 AM - Welcome and Introductions
Robin Pisano, MSW, Director of Field Education, UCF School of Social Work
8:10 AM - Major Models of Supervision, Developing a Personal Model of Supervision & Challenges and Accountability in Supervision
Tony Ingram, LCSW, Assistant Chief, Social Work, Orlando VA Healthcare System
Theresa Zephirin, LCSW, Graduate Student Training Coordinator, Social Work, Orlando VA Healthcare System
9:00 AM - Diversity and Cultural Relevance
Robin Pisano, MSW
10:00 AM - Ethics, Legal Issues in Supervision, Virtual Supervision and Confidentiality
Robin Kohn, LCSW, BSW Program Director, UCF School of Social Work
11:00 AM - Florida Laws and Board Rules
Aja Smith, LCSW, Seminole County Schools
12:00 PM Questions and Discussion
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