Solar Powered DJ Chill Will - E.Co's Sustainable DJ

Wednesday, February 1, 2012 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Hey you guys!

Do you like music?
Do you like renewable energy?
Do you like coffee?
Do you like DJ Chill Will?

If you answered "DUH!" to one or more of these questions then you are expected to make an appearance at Seattle's Best Coffee Wednesday the 1st of February between 11-1!

Also, since DJ Chill Will is about the people, he will have a raffle at the event where participants who enter will have a chance to win a free party! FOR FREE!

If you like the DJ Chill Will page [], you are in the running for ANOTHER chance to win a FREE PARTY!

Invite your friends to increase your chances.

And last, but certainly not least, DJ Chill Will will be DJing off SOLAR POWER! COMPLETELY OFF THE GRID!
This not only makes music sound better, but it makes it taste better too! Read More


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