The Attack on Gender » Featuring Don Kraus and Michael Freeman

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Gender-based violence continues to be the “most pervasive yet least recognized human rights abuse in the word.” It is an issue that cuts across all cultures, races, religions and socio-economic status. Forms of gender-based violence include rape, domestic violence, trafficking of women and girls, prostitution, etc., which results in devastating consequences for its victims. (For more information, please visit

On February 15th, Don Kraus, the CEO of Citizens for Global Solutions, and Michael Freeman, the Coordinator of Education and Training for UCF Wellness & Health Promotion Services, will co-host a town hall forum on the issue of gender-based violence. This event will explore gender-based violence and its impact on both the local and global level as well as accountability and preventive tool to combat its occurrence.

The town hall will start off with introductions from our two guest speakers, and then move into an open forum in which students can ask questions and have an in-depth discussion about the aforementioned topics. Together, we will build a conversation for change and action.

Don Kraus is the Chief Executive Officer of Citizens for Global Solutions. Don currently co-chairs three NGO working groups: the Partnership for Effective Peacekeeping (PEP), the Washington Working Group on the International Criminal Court (WICC), and the CEDAW task force. An expert in building U.S. political support for the U.N. and other international institutions, Don brings his considerable enthusiasm and drive to advocating for responsible global policies.

Michael Freeman is the Coordinator of Education and Training for UCF Wellness & Health Promotion Services. He is a well-known and friendly face to all UCF students. He is a strong advocate for LGBT rights in our community, and brings a very personal perspective to the issue of gender-based violence.

Special thanks to:
Amnesty International at UCF
Campus Peace Action at UCF
College Democrats at UCF
UCF Health & Promotion Services
VOX at UCF Read More


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