Mathematics and Applications Seminar by Dr. Aritra Dutta

Friday, February 2, 2024 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

The UCF Mathematics and Applications Seminar, which takes place every Friday from 10:30am to 11:30am in MSB 318, provides a venue for researchers to present their current work, foster new collaborations, and showcase both foundational mathematics and its applications to graduate and undergraduate students.

Dr. Aritra Dutta will be speaking at this seminar about a general introduction to his current research --- Connecting the Dots and Reading Between the Lines. 

Abstract: My current research interests include (stochastic) optimization, distributed computing, numerical linear algebra, machine learning, low-rank approximation, and its applications in computer vision (image and video analysis). Additionally, I am interested in different video understanding tasks (object detection and tracking, action recognition, etc.) in computer vision. As researchers, working on research problems is similar to “standing close to elephants.” Often our initial reactions to events and situations are incorrect, or perhaps more accurately, they are incomplete. The analogy is that if we stand too close to the elephant, we cannot see the entire elephant. Moreover, there exist many significant discrepancies between theory and practice, and that opens many opportunities.

In the above spirit, in this talk, as the time permits, I will talk about some open problems in my present work, ranging from distributed computing to (continuous) optimization, to self-supervised video understanding to numerical linear algebra. Understanding these problems through the lens of statistics, mathematics, and computer science would be advantageous for creating foundational aspects of many future research directions.

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