A “Non-Engineering” View on Digital Twins in Supply Chains

Wednesday, February 28, 2024 noon to 1 p.m.

Please join us for the next talk in our Digital Twin Seminar Series, A “Non-Engineering” View on Digital Twins in Supply Chains, by Dr. Rajinder Bhandal.

This talk provides a welcoming gander into the world of digital twins in supply chains, from the lens of a social scientist. A path towards understanding the ever-changing landscape of supply chains from a business and societal perspective will be presented. There is a need to comprehend real-world problems and examine how these translate into challenges for data requirements. Alongside this, it is necessary to acknowledge the various forms in which data maps onto improving managerial decision-making, in the context of supply chains. Implications of these factors will be considered via the digital twin capabilities periodic table, as conceptualized by the Digital Twin Consortium (2022), from a computer science, software developer, and digital twin engineer perspective.


About Dr. Bhandal:

Dr Rajinder Bhandal is a Lecturer in Management at Leeds University Business School. As a multi-disciplinary researcher her research is located at the cutting edge of technological innovation, disruptive technologies, behavioural decision making, supply chain management, business, management, and consumer behaviour. Her current research focuses on disruptive technologies including digital twin technology, big-data technologies in the context of operations, and supply chain management.

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Chemistry Calendar - 2015




Disruptive Technologies Supply Chains Data Requirements Digital Twins Social Sciences