U.S. Elections and the Future of the Indo-U.S. Strategic Partnership

Thursday, October 17, 2024 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.

2024 is a year of political transition in both the United States and India. India's general elections earlier in the summer brought back to power the two-time incumbent Modi-led Bhartiya Janta Party government. However, the BJP faced significant attrition in its political support and required its regional allies to form a coalition government. The election season is also in full swing in the U.S., with both the Democrats and the Republicans evenly poised for the presidential elections. Even when the U.S.-India strategic partnership enjoys bipartisan support from both sides of the U.S. political landscape, presidential leadership has had a significant influence over the bilateral relationship. How will the U.S. presidential elections impact India's foreign policy? What are the areas of convergence and divergence in U.S.-India relations? How can the leaderships in both countries build on the past momentum and confront the challenges in their strategic partnership? 

10:00 am EST/7:30 pm IST

Speaker: C. Raja Mohan, Ph.D., visiting professor at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore, and adviser Council on Strategic and Defence Research, Delhi

Moderator: Aubrey Jewett, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Assistant School Director, School of Politics, Security and International Affairs

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School of Politics Security and International Affairs The India Center Elections international