Senate Election Voting - Log in to myUCF to cast your vote today!

Monday, October 1, 2012 8 a.m. to Wednesday, October 3 at 5 p.m.
Be sure to vote in the Student Government Association Senate Election 2012! You will have to opportunity to vote for the seats in your college as well as the items on the ballot. Voting takes place on your MyUCF and we would love to see you at the Elections Tent in front of the Student Union between 8AM and 5PM. The Election Commission will be handing out t-shirts, fun promo items, and more! We want you to vote SGA!

Results will be announced following the end of the voting period which is on 10/3 at 5PM. Read More


Student Union: Patio


SGA Election Commission 4078233997


Events at UCF


