Faculty Excellence: New/Expecting Faculty Parent Panel

Wednesday, March 28, 2018 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Are you a parent? Or thinking of becoming one? We’re excited to announce a panel discussion just for you! Whether you’re a new parent or you’re planning to be a parent, we invite you to attend so you can better understand the resources available to faculty parents.

The panel discussion will be focused on understanding UCF processes, logistics of career-life balance as a new parent and creative survival strategies. After the discussion, there will be an open Q/A session that the audience is encouraged to participate in.

Our panel will be made up of both UCF faculty who are parents as well as UCF staff who are entrenched in helping faculty parents (HR, Creative School for Children).

We look forward to seeing you there!

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Teaching Academy: 130


Faculty Excellence




Faculty Excellence Center for Success of Women Faculty Faculty