Florida-Wide Student Engineering Invitational: 10 Partner Colleges to Demo Student-Made Designs

Thursday, April 19, 2018 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

In a first-of-its-kind partnership, the deans of 10 Florida engineering colleges have joined to showcase the best of their graduating seniors' technology and designed solutions, and to collaboratively demonstrate the scope and strength of Florida's talent pipeline of engineering and computer science graduates who are fully prepared to enter the global workforce.

UCF's College of Engineering and Computer Science will host the inaugural Florida-Wide Student Engineering Design Invitational during its Senior Design Showcase, where 130 projects made by nearly 600 graduating seniors will be displayed. Free and open to all. See Event Flyer for details.

The partner engineering colleges are from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (Daytona); Florida A&M - Florida State University (Tallahassee); Florida Atlantic University (Boca Raton); Florida Institute of Technology (Melbourne); Florida International University (Miami); University of Central Florida (Orlando); University of Florida (Gainesville); University of Miami (Miami); University of North Florida (Jacksonville); and University of South Florida (Tampa).

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