Human Factors & Cognitive Psychology Brown Bag Seminars

Friday, September 7, 2018 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

Dr. Bruce Janz and Patricia Bockelman

Awe, Wonder and Astronauts

Abstract: Astronauts record a wide range of experiences while in space. How do we understand experiences of awe and wonder in such an alien context? Our team launched an interdisciplinary study which involved phenomenological interviews, simulation, and psychological testing to arrive at some new data and new possibilities in studying complex human experiences.

Biographies: Bruce Janz is Professor in the Department of Philosophy, co-director of the Center for Humanities and Digital Research, and core faculty in the Texts and Technology Ph.D. program, all at the University of Central Florida. His research is in African philosophy, contemporary European philosophy, concepts of place and space across disciplines, digital humanities, and the nature of cognition in a cultural context.

Patricia Bockelman is an assistant research professor at the Institute for Simulation and Training at the University of Central Florida. As director of InSciTe (Instructional Science Team), she and her team primarily examine intelligent behaviors across the spectrum of reality. Their projects focus on areas where the lines between humans and environments blur – working to improve human experience, reduce error and risk, and increase understanding. Patricia also teaches in UCF’s school for Modeling Simulation and Training.

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Psychology Building: 301Q





