Being a Mom on the Tenure-Track: Finding a Path to Success

Friday, February 3, 2017 noon to 1 p.m.

We will host a one-hour panel presentation comprised of 4-6 women faculty who have successfully achieved tenure or are on the tenure-track at UCF while raising young (below the age of 10) children. The panel will occur on campus during lunch and all UCF faculty will be invited (not just pre-tenured women with children).

The goal of the panel will be for these women to share:

  1. the challenges they faced while trying to achieve tenure,
  2. the strategies they employed to cope with these challenges, and
  3. recommendations for how UCF faculty and administration can better support women faculty who are both mothers and on the tenure-track.

CSWF 2017 Faculty Fellows: Beatriz Reyes-Foster, Assistant Professor, Anthropology, College of Sciences; Pamela Wisniewski, Assistant Professor, Computer Science, College of Engineering and Computer Science. 

No RSVP needed.

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Classroom Building I: 205


Faculty Excellence



