CAB Presents : UCFest

Thursday, April 6, 2017 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.

The United Creatives Festival, or UCFEST, is an opportunity for young creative people to indulge in the artistic community around them. There are opportunities for young artists, photographers, journalists, bloggers, musicians, students, and families to connect with one another. The purpose of UCFEST is to serve as a platform for unseen UCF talent and local Orlando talent to bridge the gap between the university and the surrounding communities.

This idea was developed by UCF AlumKnight Brandon Payne. Brandon is very well-known in the UCF community and a huge participant in local urban arts, performing frequently at art shows, networking events, and concerts all around Florida. He has always had his heart set on leaving a legacy at the University of Central Florida by giving something back to the community that gave him so much. With the help of one of the largest student activity divisions on campus, Campus Activity Board (CAB), Brandon is now able to do just that.

We invite you to join us in a great production and be apart of our diverse community

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