CECS Senior Design Day

Friday, April 21, 2017 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Join us for 2017 Senior Design Day!

Hello my fellow CECS Alumni! First thank you to all who participated in our March Open Chapter Board meeting. We gained much insight into your wants and needs as an alumni chapter and made a lot of strides toward our summer and fall programming discussions and created our plan for our new Senior Design Awards tradition. Here are some ways you can participate!

As a reminder, the UCF Engineering Senior Design Awards is taking place and we need your help! Thanks to our wonderful volunteers and staff, the design day schedule and judging criteria have been finalized and we are now in need of volunteer judges to ensure the success of the day:

Volunteer as a judge! Morning judge time commitment is 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.; afternoon judge commitment is 12-5 p.m. We have 3 overall judges who will serve the entire day already confirmed, and need alumni from each discipline to provide the best experience for our students. The schedule for the day is as follows:

  • 7-8 a.m. complimentary breakfast and briefing for Showcase Part 1 judges
  • 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Showcase Part 1 (Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering and Industrial Engineering) 
  • 12-1 p.m. complimentary lunch and briefing for Showcase Part 2 judges
  • 1-4:30 p.m. Showcase Part 2 (Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science
  • 5-6 p.m. light dinner and networking for student teams and alumni (we have 125 student teams this year!)

Judging Criteria:

  • Communication (35%): How well did the team clearly communicate the purpose of their project/problem they were trying to solve, the techniques and methodology used and their results?
  • Design (25%): Why did they pick this project? Was the approach they took to the design well founded? Did they utilize best practices? How complex was it? How origininal or innovative was it? What engineering tools and analysis were used? What alternatives were considered?
  • Outcome (25%): How successful was the team in acheiving the design objective? Does the data presented, or demonstration, support this conclusion? How relevant is the project and the goals that were achieved in terms of communty/global outreach?
  • Teamwork (15%): How well did the group functino as a team in order to meet their design objective? How well did the team interact with one another during the presentation/demonstration?

I hope you will consider taking time out of your day for this. Please email cecs@ucfalumni.com to volunteer your time. Alumni support of our students is priceless and by taking just a few hours out of your day, you can have a huge impact on this critical and exciting time for our graduating seniors! The added value is that you'll also walk away from this experience feeling great about giving your time and talent to your alma mater.

The evening dinner for participants and observers is also a great opportunity to be reminded of how awesome it is to be a Knight, to catch up on all the latest with CECS and stay involved and invested in our college.

As always, this is another unique opportunity to get involved and help shape the future of our Chapter and help current students gain valuable experience to achieve their goals - you can make a difference! Hope to see you there and I look forward to hearing your UCF story!

With Knight Pride,


Herb Gingold '91 '14MBA
Chair, CECS Alumni Chapter

Please email cecs@ucfalumni.com by April 10 to volunteer as a judge.

RSVP for the networking dinner by April 14: https://www.ucfknightsnetwork.com/SeniorDesignDinner 

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UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science [ View Website ]


Herb Gingold '91 '14MBA, Chair of CECS Alumni Chapter cecs@ucfalumni.com


Women's and Gender Studies Program




CECS Alumni CECS Senior Design Day