ePortfolio Bootcamp

Friday, June 9, 2017 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The ePortfolio allowed me to reflect on the experiences I’ve had in ways I hadn’t thought about before. It provided me with the opportunity to put the pieces together.” – Coral Nimz, Knights of Distinction

ePortfolios are a powerful, high-impact practice that help students synthesize their educational experiences and tell their own story to diverse professional audiences. Join us for a one-day faculty bootcamp where you can learn best practices and new ideas for implement ePortfolios in your classroom to ensure your students prepare for what’s next.

Events will include a keynote presentation by Dr. Margaret Marshall of Auburn University: “ePortfolios Done Well: The Role of Faculty in the Newest High Impact Practice,” followed by a panel of UCF faculty discussing their experiences in building and assessing ePortfolio assignements. Dr. Marshall will later lead a hands-on workshop helping participants get started on their own ePortfolios. End the day with assisted computer lab time to experiment with your own ePortfolio with Q&A and assistance from Adobe Ambassadors. Coffee, light refreshments, and boxed lunches will be provided for attendees.

No prior experience with ePortfolios is required for this event. We are particularly interested in departmental teams of 2–3 faculty. Space is limited. Participants will recieve a free, one-year Adobe Creative Cloud user license.

Please RSVP to QEP@ucf.edu no later than May 26, 2017.

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Classroom Building I: 205



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Faculty Center for Teaching & Learning