S'mores Cooking Competition

Tuesday, July 17, 2018 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

The Recreation and Wellness Center and Wellness and Health Promotion Services presents the annual S'mores Cooking Competition.

Teams must RSVP by July 13th, 2018 and arrive to the competition by 7:00 pm. Any team arriving later than 7:15 pm will be automatically disqualified. 

S'mores will be judged on taste and creativity. Materials are provided for free and you may only use the materials provided to you at the event. You should make enough for each judge to try your s'more.

The winning team will receive a FreshU goodie bag and a free Outdoor Adventure rental.Register your team of up to 5 people at https://ucf.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5AO8HWr7bw7E5lb

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Lake Claire Recreational Area




Recreation & Exercise

