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Research Colloquium: Are the recent investments in sports and events by Saudi Arabia sportwashing or the sign of a longer-term strategy?

Friday, February 2, 2024 3 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Are the recent investments in sports and events by Saudi Arabia sportwashing or the sign of a longer-term strategy?

Join us for a talk by:

Professor Adrien Bouchet
Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation Endowed Chair
Director of the DeVos Sport Business Management MBA program

Followed by an audience Q&A panel with:

Prof. Adrien Bouchet
Dr. Mike Duignan, Associate Professor, UCF Rosen College
Ibrahim Hazazi, Ph.D. student, UCF Rosen College

Social hour to follow in the Anheuser-Busch Beer & Wine Lab, Room 126.

UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management’s Dick Pope Sr. Institute for Tourism Studies presents monthly research colloquiums, with academic researchers from around the world delivering their latest findings.

Join us in-person for the colloquiums in the Anheuser-Busch Beer & Wine Lab, Room 126, on the UCF Rosen College campus at 9907 Universal Blvd., Orlando, FL 32819. Space is limited to 50 participants.

You may view some previous Research Colloquiums on the UCF Rosen College YouTube Channel.

For questions or more information, please contact Dr. Mike Duignan

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Rosen College of Hospitality Management: Anheuser-Busch Beer & Wine Lab, Room 126 [ View Website ]
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Dr. Mike Duignan


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hospitality management