Chemistry Calendar - 2015: by Category “Workshop/Conference”

  • Introduction to Key Partners, Activities and Resources


    Discover and identify key activities, resources, and partners that can level up your business concept.

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Introduction to Cost Structure


    Learn more about cost structures and how they can impact your business.

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • What is Graduate and Professional School, & Why Apply?


    Are you interested in applying to graduate or professional school, but unsure where to start? Whether you’re intrigued by the idea of pursuing a master’s, PhD, doctorate degree, law degree, medical school, or any other advanced degree, this workshop is designed to allow you to explore the different pathways that are available to you for graduate and professional school, and …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Introduction to Revenue Streams


    Learn more about ways to monetize your idea through this session.

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Summer B Career Services Workshop

    LEAD Lounge: Ferrell Commons 7E Ste 165

    Freshen up your resume and learn tips and tricks on how to present you and your resume in this interactive workshop with UCF Career Services!

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • RAMP & McNair Information Session


    Learn more about RAMP and McNair, AAP’s structured programs and learn about scholars’ experiences in these programs. As part of the U.S. Department of Education funded TRIO Programs, the McNair Scholars program guides first-generation and low-income and/or underrepresented students into Ph.D. programs, providing funding to help with that process. The Research and Mentoring Program offers an enriching educational experience for …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Transitioning into UCF’s AAP and What’s Next


    Are you considering pursuing a graduate or professional degree after completing your undergraduate studies? The Academic Advancement Programs (AAP) family is here to assist students interested in seeking advanced degrees. We will uncover AAP's vast array of resources, including structured programs, graduate preparation events, and resources for researching and applying to graduate and professional schools. Attendees will gain a comprehensive …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Getting Ready to Apply for Graduate and Professional Schools


    Are you an undergraduate student interested in seeking an advanced degree? This workshop will guide you through the graduate and professional school application process, helping you understand how to present yourself in the strongest possible light. We will cover topics such as choosing the right program, crafting a well-rounded personal statement, obtaining strong letters of recommendation, and preparing for graduate …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Getting Great Letters of Recommendation for Graduate and Professional Schools


    How do you know if the relationships you’ve built with your faculty will turn into great letters of recommendation? This workshop will break down the steps needed to develop strong relationships with faculty and how to ask and ensure your letters of recommendation are strong for graduate and professional school applications. A strong letter of recommendation can make the difference …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • The Graduate and Professional Student Panel


    Have you ever wondered how students successfully apply to and thrive in graduate and professional school while handling other responsibilities? This workshop allows you to get that information directly from the source. In this session, you will have the opportunity to ask questions and listen to a panel of graduate and professional students discuss their experiences. You’ll learn how they …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015
  • Ignite Your Potential: Goal Setting & Motivation Strategies for Graduate Success


    Welcome to graduate school at UCF! This exciting new chapter can also bring its share of challenges. Navigating increased coursework, research demands, and finding mentors? This interactive workshop will equip you with essential tools to boost your motivation, set SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound), and develop a personalized action plan for success. What You'll Gain: Learn a …

    Chemistry Calendar - 2015