2017 16th Annual World AIDS Day Banquet

Wednesday, November 29, 2017 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

The 16th Annual World AIDS Day Banquet will bring awareness on the ongoing threat of HIV and AIDS in the community. The goal is to have students, faculty, staff and the community empowe(RED)to take care of their sexual health, stay updated on the issue to empower those that are affected.

There will be the special guest, Hydeia Broadbent.

Hydeia Broadbent began her debut as an HIV/AIDS activist and public speaker at six years old. By 12 years old, Hydeia appeared on many national television programs including Oprah, 20/20, Good Morning America, and “A Conversation with Magic Johnson” on Nickelodeon. Now at the age of 30, Hydeia spends her time spreading the message of HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, by promoting abstinence, safe-sex practices (for people who choose to have sex), and HIV/AIDS Awareness and prevention

Must be a UCF student, faculty or staff to attend to RSVP please register via Eventbrite:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2017-msc-aids-banquet-tickets-35795928586?aff=eac2

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Live Oak Event Center: 4115 Pyxis Lane, Orlando, FL 32816 [ View Website ]


Multicultural Student Center 407-823-0410 msc@ucf.edu


Civil Discourse and Engagement



sex talk AIDS Banquet Multicultural Student Center Diversity and Inclusion Awareness