Thursday, October 26, 2017

  • "Understanding Middle East Alliances in the Trump Era"

    UCF Global: 101

    Understanding Middle East Alliances in the Trump Era October 26, 201712noon - 2:00p.m. Featuring Gönül Tol, Ph.D. and Paul Salem, Ph.D. Middle East Institute Moderated by PMBF Director David Dumke, Ph.D. The panel discussion will offer insight on the political climate across the Middle East, focusing on alliances across the Middle East, how relationships amongst nations in the region have …

    Anthropology Department Calendar
  • Science Cafe: Hard Lives, Mean Streets

    Physical Sciences Building: 160

    UCF Science Cafe Jana Jasinki, Ph.D. October 26,2017 Interim Vice Provost for Faculty Excellence, Pegasus Professor of Sociology & Associate Dean of the College of Sciences, University of Central Florida Time:Networking, drinks and appetizers at 6:30 p.m. and talk begins at 7:00 p.m. Location: Physical Sciences Building 160/161 There is no doubt that homelessness is a serious social problem in …

    Anthropology Department Calendar