Today's Events

  • Engineers Week 2025

    Engineering II

    Love your smart phone, driving a car, watching TV, online shopping, electricity, clean water, seeing rocket launches and Mars landings, to name a few? If so, thank an engineer! Join the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science as we celebrate Engineers Week — Monday, Feb. 17 to Saturday, Feb. 21— with a variety of free events to showcase that …

    Events at UCF
  • Webcourses@UCF Open Lab for Instructors (Recurring Event)

    Digital Learning Center: DLC-217

    Maximize your online teaching success with Webcourses@UCF Support! This spring, we're thrilled to offer expert technical support through our convenient Open Labs held on the third Wednesday of every month from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Digital Learning Center (DLC), Room 217. Just bring your own device and tap into our wealth of knowledge and resources. Need access …

    Events at UCF
  • Introducing VMock: A SMART Career Platform for Student Success (Recurring Event)

    Classroom Building 1

    (This session is for UCF Faculty and Staff only!) Learn how to leverage VMock, the cutting-edge resume and interview feedback tool, to enhance your curriculum integration and one-on-one mentoring and help students shine in their career journey. UCF Career Services will guide you through creating impactful assignments and integrating the tool seamlessly into your teaching and coaching.  Join one or …

    Events at UCF
  • Drop-in Drafting Lab (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 109: Trevor Cobourn Hall 109

    Starting a writing assignment, and don’t know where to begin? The University Writing Center’s Drop-In Drafting Lab can help! No appointments required — you can drop in during our open hours and: clarify assignment expectations develop a plan brainstorm ideas or just spend time writing!  Any and all writers are welcome! The Drafting Lab will be unavailable on the following …

    Events at UCF
  • Shared Memory Programming Using OpenMP

    Research 1:: 101

    The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center is pleased to present “Shared Memory Programming using OpenMP” workshop.  This workshop is intended to give C and Fortran programmers a hands-on introduction to OpenMP programming. Attendees will leave with a working knowledge of how to write scalable codes using OpenMP. Hands-on exercises are included to give attendees practice with the concepts presented.  This will be …

    Events at UCF
  • Making HIP ConeXiones with Finances

    UCF Student Union: Key West Ballroom 218

    At this event, students will learn about the importance of financial literacy and expand their knowledge on how to get involved with research and High Impact Practices. Students will also enjoy a free catered lunch, giveaways and much more! Who should attend?This event is perfect for anyone interested in strengthening their financial knowledge. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to …

    Events at UCF
  • Welcome Wednesday: Crafting Your Grad School Persona: Personal Branding for Grad School Success


    Join Anitra Douglas-McCarthy, Assistant Dean for Access and Recruitment at Cornell Graduate School, for Crafting Your Grad School Persona, part of AAP’s Welcome Wednesday Series. This engaging workshop will guide you in developing a unique personal brand to stand out in the competitive graduate school environment. Through self-reflection and practical strategies, you’ll learn to define your academic and professional identity, …

    Events at UCF
  • Café francophone/French Café (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 358B

    Le café francophone Vous voulez améliorer votre français oral? (Would you like to improve your French speaking skills?) Vous aimeriez connaître des étudiant.e.s qui ont la même passion que vous pour la langue française?(Would you like to meet students who share your passion for the French language?) Bienvenu.e.s au café francophone! Venez échanger avec vos collègues étudiant.e.s dans une ambiance …

    Events at UCF
  • Be Better Club - Themed Ethics Discussions (Spring: Altruism and Giving) (Recurring Event)


    Spring Theme: To Give or Not To Give: Understanding Altruism, Its (Possible) Limits, and (Alleged) Costs of Trying to Do Good for Others This term's theme is giving and altruism. we'll start exploring whether something like altruism is possible and what it's origins might be. We'll explore these questions at an individual and interpersonal level as well as the intersections …

    Events at UCF
  • CCIE Virtual Research Circle (Recurring Event)


    The CCIE virtual bi-weekly research circles includes presentations and conversations from UCF’s College of Community Innovation and Education (CCIE) faculty, as well as faculty from other colleges at UCF with a focus on collaborative, innovative, interdisciplinary, community-based research initiatives. Presentations provide opportunities to connect with faculty in CCIE and share opportunities of mutual interest. Presenters from the community and government …

    Events at UCF
  • Master's in Integrated Business Online Information Session


    Join us for our online information session for the Master's in Integrated Business. This session will provide detailed information about the program including curriculum, learning outcomes, schedule, cohort format, application process and admission process. Q&A with Program Director, Carlos Valdez and Graduate Admissions Coordinator, Meredith Smart.

    Events at UCF
  • AI and the Global Dementia Crisis: Opportunities for Innovation and Impact

    Garden Key, Room 221, Student Union

    Dementia represents an escalating global public health challenge, with a rapidly growing population affected by cognitive decline, limited access to specialist care, and an urgent need for scalable solutions. India is projected to experience one of the largest increases in dementia cases. As the prevalence increases, the shortage of trained neurologists and the lack of incentives for medical students to …

    Events at UCF
  • PDF Accessibility (Recurring Event)


    This training will cover the basics of the remediation of PDF documents for accessibility, including tagging content and establishing reading order. Participants are strongly encouraged to complete Document Accessibility to gain an understanding of the components of an accessible document before enrolling in PDF Accessibility. Please note that participants are encouraged, but not required, to bring a device with Adobe …

    Events at UCF
  • Faculty Collective Bargaining Notice


    The next collective bargaining session between the University of Central Florida Board of Trustees and the United Faculty of Florida will take place on Wednesday, February 19, 2025, from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. via Zoom. Look for the link in the Virtual Events section.

    Events at UCF
  • ACE Group Fitness Certification Course (Recurring Event)

    Main RWC

    The ACE Group Fitness course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on Group Fitness experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified Group Fitness Instructor or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $300.00, including the materials (textbook, online module …

    Events at UCF
  • Map Your Career Paths (Recurring Event)

    CSEL 121 and Virtual

    You can expect to explore and identify your career opportunities while learning to develop parallel plans for different career journeys. Be prepared to get creative and create your own personalized career mind map. Register to attend in person or get the zoom link to attend virtually on Handshake.

    Events at UCF
  • Is Your Idea Investible? Sources and Strategies for a Successful Fundraise

    Student Union: The Blackstone LaunchPad

    Do you have a business or business idea and are looking to raise funds to accelerate growth? Cameron Marsh helps startups manage their finances and fundraise. Learn the criteria many investors use to determine if a business or idea is investible; as well as, sources of capital and how to set yourself up for a successful fundraise.  RSVP: Is Your …

    Events at UCF
  • ACE Personal Training Certification Course (Recurring Event)

    Main RWC

    The ACE Personal Training course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on personal training experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified personal trainer or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $320.00, including the materials (textbook, online module access, …

    Events at UCF
  • Build-A-Buiness Workshop: Market Research and Customer Discovery

    Student Union: The Blackstone LaunchPad

    Discover how to identify your target audience and validate your business idea through effective market research and customer discovery techniques. In this interactive workshop, you’ll learn how to gather meaningful insights about your customers' needs, behaviors and preferences, and use that information to refine your product or service. Leave with actionable strategies to build a business that truly resonates with …

    Events at UCF
  • Baseball vs. Missouri

    John Euliano Park

    The UCF baseball team will host Missouri at John Euliano Park at 6:30 p.m. on Harry Potter trivia night.  UCF students attend for free with valid UCF ID.  2025 season promotional schedule: Single-game Tickets: For more information about UCF Baseball, visit:

    Events at UCF
  • Narcotics Anonymous (Recurring Event)

    Ferrell Commons 171: Pride Commons

    This group meets every Wednesday. May meet outdoors during building closures for holidays.  NA is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other live drug-free. There are no dues or fees, the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Our fellowship focuses primarily …

    Events at UCF