Today's Events

  • Engineers Week 2025

    Engineering II

    Love your smart phone, driving a car, watching TV, online shopping, electricity, clean water, seeing rocket launches and Mars landings, to name a few? If so, thank an engineer! Join the UCF College of Engineering and Computer Science as we celebrate Engineers Week — Monday, Feb. 17 to Saturday, Feb. 21— with a variety of free events to showcase that …

    Events at UCF
  • ThingLink Scenario-Builder: Crafting Interactive Learning Adventures

    Classroom Building I: Room 202 (Faculty Multimedia Center)

    Ready to boost active learning and skill-building in your online classroom? In this 90-minute workshop, explore ThingLink’s powerful scenario-based learning feature to create dynamic, decision-driven learning paths. Immerse your students in real-world scenarios within a low-stakes, engaging environment. From storyboarding your ideas to building and sharing interactive scenarios, this hands-on session will equip you to captivate your learners and take …

    Events at UCF
  • Drop-in Drafting Lab (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 109: Trevor Cobourn Hall 109

    Starting a writing assignment, and don’t know where to begin? The University Writing Center’s Drop-In Drafting Lab can help! No appointments required — you can drop in during our open hours and: clarify assignment expectations develop a plan brainstorm ideas or just spend time writing!  Any and all writers are welcome! The Drafting Lab will be unavailable on the following …

    Events at UCF
  • Career Services Drop-Ins: Resume, Cover Letter LinkedIn Critiques (Recurring Event)

    CSEL Lobby: Lobby

    Stop by the Kenneth G. Dixon Career Development Center (CSEL) for drop-in services by Career Services:  We can critique your resume, cover letter, Linkedin or professional profiles as well as answer quick career questions. Every Monday and Friday from 1-4 p.m. in the CSEL lobby.  Can't make this time or can't find an open appointment with us on Handshake? You …

    Events at UCF
  • Adult First Aid/CPR/AED Class (Recurring Event)

    RWC Wet Classroom

    The RWC offers American Red Cross Adult CPR/AED, First Aid Blended Learning classes. The Blended Learning class includes an online portion (approximately two to three hours long) and an instructor-led class skills session (approximately two hours long). The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class skills session. Each participant who successfully completes the course will earn an …

    Events at UCF
  • Fireside Chat with Hollywood Virgin author & Virgin Entertainment co-founder Jason Felts

    Student Union: Pegasus Ballroom

    Fireside Chat with Hollywood Virgin author & Virgin Entertainment co-founder Jason Felts Monday, Feb. 171 p.m. Pegasus Ballroom - UCF Student Union12715 Pegasus Dr., Orlando, FL 32816 This event is free to all UCF Students, Alumni and Friends. Join us for a fireside chat on all things business entertainment with Hollywood Virgin author and Virgin Entertainment co-founder Jason Felts! This …

    Events at UCF
  • ACE Group Fitness Certification Course (Recurring Event)

    Main RWC

    The ACE Group Fitness course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on Group Fitness experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified Group Fitness Instructor or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $300.00, including the materials (textbook, online module …

    Events at UCF
  • Safety and Self Care: Coping Skills


    This workshop will focus on learning how to cope with trauma triggers and how to regulate heightened emotions and body sensations. It will also focus on increasing feelings of safety during a person's healing journey. This workshop is part of the Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) Well-Being Online Workshop (WOW) series! Learn about CAPS and other workshops.

    Events at UCF
  • ACE Personal Training Certification Course (Recurring Event)

    Main RWC

    The ACE Personal Training course is a 8-week course that consists of lectures and in-person labs, where you are provided an opportunity to receive hands-on personal training experience. This course is great for anyone interested in becoming a certified personal trainer or wanting to learn more about exercise programming. The course is $320.00, including the materials (textbook, online module access, …

    Events at UCF
  • BCM Guys Community Group Knight

    RWC Room 206: Room 206

    Join your friends at BCM for a special night of worship, a special guest speaker, dinner, and basketball afterwards! We will be meeting in Room 206 in the RWC. Jacob and Paul will be leading the men, reach out to them via Instagram with any questions! @ucfbcm 

    Events at UCF
  • Girls Community Group (Recurring Event)

    SU Starbucks: Student Union Starbucks

    Join us every Monday for Bible study with BCM leaders Julianna and Haley! We will be meeting on the second floor of the Student Union by the Starbucks. We will provide all materials, plus snacks! Bring a girlfriend and get ready for a time of fellowship and community at BCM. Every week the topic changes, please follow us on Instagram …

    Events at UCF