Tuesday, July 06, 2021

  • Announcing the Final Examination of Ms. Tori Thibault for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology.


    Announcing the Final Examination of Ms. Tori Thibault for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology.   Date: July 6th , 2021 Time: 10:00am EST Virtual Defense Via Zoom   https://ucf.zoom.us/j/96394998818?pwd=VVFzazhGMXU4QmNlTmxKYXFKbE5XZz09      Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 963 9499 8818 Passcode: 173716   Thesis title:  An examination of Tarot Cards and their Relationship with Healing   ABSTRACT This …

    Anthropology Department Calendar
  • Announcing the Final Examination of Mr. Marlon Koci for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology.


    Announcing the Final Examination of Mr. Marlon Koci for the degree of Master of Arts in Anthropology.    UNDERSTANDING THE DIETARY BEHAVIOR OF AN AVAR COMMUNITY, JAGODNJAK, CROATIA, IN 9TH CENTURY: APPLYING STABLE ISOTOPE ANALYSIS OF BONE COLLAGEN    Marlon Koci, M.A. University of Tirana, Albania 2014    Defense Date: July 6th, 2021  Time: 10:30am (EST)  Virtual Defense Via Zoom: …

    Anthropology Department Calendar