Tuesday, March 24, 2020

  • Performance Standard for UCFs Cultural Competencies -- DIV150


    ONLINE COURSE Visit https://diversity.ucf.edu/training/online-workshops/ for registration instructions. You must complete all three sections with a score of 75% or higher to receive credit.This is a three part online workshop: Cognitive Domain Affective Domain Skill-Building Domain Cultural competency is the ability to function effectively in the presence of socio-cultural diversity. In 2008, Diversity Track (Summer Faculty Development Conference) scholars proposed 21 …

  • Women First at UCF Project

    John C. Hitt Library: main floor

    The Women First at UCF Project is a collaboration between Dr. M. C. Santana (Women’s and Gender Studies), Dr. Robert Cassanello (History), Mary Rubin, Eli Jimenez, and Christopher Saclolo (Special Collections & University Archives). In this interdisciplinary project, the exhibit team envisioned documenting the legacy of women who occupied a rank, position or graduation as first in their field. Our …

  • UCF Classes Moving Online Until March 27: Students Asked Not to Return to Campus

    All UCF Campuses: All UCF Campuses

    The 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to rapidly evolve. While no cases have been reported at the university, UCF will move to remote instruction effective Monday, March 16, to minimize health and safety risks to the UCF community, especially as students and faculty prepare to return from Spring Break. Remote instruction will continue for at least two weeks. Fourteen days …

  • Sustainable Training Series - sustainability training for faculty and staff (Recurring Event)

    Please check myUCF registration for up to date loctions

    Sustainability Initiatives is pleased to offer Faculty and Staff the opportunity to develop skills and knowledge in sustainability through the Sustainable Training Series. You can pursue the STS certificate or select training sessions individually. With peers from across campus, you’ll deepen your sustainability skillset and learn how these concepts are related and can be applied to our work at UCF. …

  • CANCELED: Violence Prevention Certificate Series Green Dot Training (Recurring Event)

    Student Union

    These Green Dot bystander intervention trainings are specifically for students completing the Violence Prevention Certificate Series. If you are not completing the Violence Prevention Certificate Series and would like to do a Green Dot training please attend one of their general student sessions.

  • CANCELED: Unpacking Social Identity -- DIV434

    Barbara Ying Ctr. Room 140--CMMS 81

    This workshop will allow participants to examine their personal social identities and take an in-depth look at how our social identities inform our awareness and impact how we interact with the world around us.

  • CANCELED: Preparing a Research Poster (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall: 201

    This workshop will help undergraduate students gain skills to prepare a poster presentation of your research or creative work. Note: This workshop is for students already working on a research project.

  • Trans 103: Trans-Inclusive Sex Ed

    Counseling and Psychological Services

    This is the third workshop in the Trans 101 series, though previous attendance is not required. Today's workshop explores trans-focused healthy sexuality, with a focus on topics such as safer sex practices, STI/STDs and preventitive care, and gender roles in sexual play. CAPS workshops are free, require no sign-up, and space is provided on a first-come-first-serve basis to currently enrolled …

  • Getting Started in Undergraduate Research (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall: 201

    Are you interested in learning more about research? Not sure where to start or how to navigate all the programs available? This workshop will discuss how to expand your academic experience through undergraduate research. While UCF has transitioned online, all OUR workshops will be done through Zoom Meetings and must be signed up for at least 1 hour prior to …

  • VIRTUAL-Building your Online Brand (Recurring Event)

    Career Services and Experiential Learning: 121

    Social media can be an effective tool in your job search. Discover the do’s and don’ts of social media usage and how you can build a professional online brand to support your career goals! To join this Zoom session, register with the following links: 3.24.2020: https://ucf.zoom.us/meeting/register/uJwvcu2gqT8p1TVdyfRs94-404LBtOU8Pw 4.15.2020: https://ucf.zoom.us/j/581626834

  • Online: Peace Corps 101 (Recurring Event)


    Serving in the Peace Corps is a great way to immerse yourself in a new culture, learn a new language, and have the experience of a lifetime. Join us at this virtual information session to learn about Volunteer experiences, ask questions about service, and gain tips to guide you through the application process. Zoom Meeting ID: 690 547 413 Topic: …

  • CANCELED: Creative Careers: L3Harris with Justin Corini

    The Center of Entrepreneurial Leadership): BA 1-135

    Many students transfer the entrepreneurial skills learned at UCF to a wide variety of employment opportunities in the public, private, and government sectors. Meet these “intrapreneurs” - employees who are using their entrepreneurial prowess to promote creativity and innovation in their workplaces.

  • UCF I-Corps Pizza Social

    HEC: 113

    Need Some Dough? Think outside the box. Learn more at the I-Corps Pizza Social. We have all the ingredients to help develop and build a business around your ideas! Come network with us and learn more at this free social, open to students and faculty. Top off with teams sharing their experience from a past cohort. I-Corps can provide student …

  • CANCELED: Jazz Chamber Concert Series (Recurring Event)

    Rehearsal Hall: Auditorium

    Due to the university's response to Coronavirus, the event on 3/24 has been cancelled. For more information visit https://www.ucf.edu/safety/coronavirus/. Enjoy a wide variety of jazz repertoire throughout the year from our UCF Jazz Combos and Chamber Groups. These groups of 4-6 players are formed by students across campus and specialize in improvisation. Free, no ticket required
