Events taking place in The Exchange (BA1 Rm 148)

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

  • Employer EXCHANGE with Eli Lilly & Company (Virtual Zoom)


    ****** You will not register for EXCHANGE's on COBA Pass in the Fall Semester***** This EVENT is SOLD OUT. More events will be added soon.

    The Exchange: UCF College of Business
  • Employer EXCHANGE with Withum (for Accounting students) - Virtual Zoom


    ****** You will not register for EXCHANGE's on COBA Pass in the Fall Semester***** This EVENT is SOLD OUT. More events will be added soon.

    The Exchange: UCF College of Business
  • The EXCHANGE - Commercial Real Estate Panel with CREW Orlando

    The Exchange: BA1 Rm 148

    For More Information about CREW Orlando visit ****** You will not register for EXCHANGE's on COBA Pass in the Fall Semester***** This event is SOLD OUT! New events will be added soon.

    The Exchange: UCF College of Business