Wednesday, October 07, 2015

  • Managing Your Credit


    Do you know how to consistently manage your credit? This online workshop is open all semester for students to learn the tricks of the trade of managing and building excellent credit.

  • Maintaining a Positive Income Cycle


    Scheduling conflicts? Priorities out of order? Unhealthy spending habits? Whatever your reason for a negative income cycle, this online workshop can be beneficial to all students hoping to learn how to maintain a steady and positive income.

  • Getting Great Recommendation Letters

    Student Union: Egmont Key Meeting Room (Room 224)

    Do you know how to ask a professor for recommendation letters? There are some tips to know before approaching them which will be reviewed during this workshop.

  • Your VIPS Pass - Explore Major and Career Options

    Student Union: Egmont Key Meeting Room (Room 224)

    Are you unsure of what major is right for you? Do you feel overwhelmed when thinking about choosing a career?Learn how to explore academic and career options relative to your Values, Interests, Personality, and Skills. The steps for creating your own personal action plan will also be discussed along with helpful resources to make the process smoother.
