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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

  • Grant Writing Academy: Competitive Proposal Development for the National Science Foundation (NSF)


    Dr. Saiful Khondaker, Interim Assistant VP for Research Advancement for UCF Office of Research, and Professor of Nanotechnology, Physics, and Electrical Engineering, will facilitate this session. Several strong/weak NSF proposal writing examples will be discussed to demonstrate best practices. A brief overview of the NSF proposal review process, pros and cons of communicating with the NSF program manager before proposal …

    Sammy Event Time
  • Café francophone/French Café (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 358B

    Le café francophone Vous voulez améliorer votre français oral? (Would you like to improve your French speaking skills?) Vous aimeriez connaître des étudiant.e.s qui ont la même passion que vous pour la langue française?(Would you like to meet students who share your passion for the French language?) Bienvenu.e.s au café francophone! Venez échanger avec vos collègues étudiant.e.s dans une ambiance …

    Sammy Event Time
  • Narcotics Anonymous (Recurring Event)

    Ferrell Commons 171: Pride Commons

    This group meets every Wednesday except when the campus is closed. NA is a non-profit fellowship of men and women for whom drugs have become a major problem. We meet regularly to help each other live drug-free. There are no dues or fees, the only requirement for membership is a desire to stop using. Our fellowship focuses primarily on recovery …

    Sammy Event Time