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Tuesday, August 29, 2023

  • Covering Carbon by Kathleen Thum (Recurring Event)

    UCF Art Gallery

    Covering Carbon is an exhibition that explores the complex relationship between humans and fossil fuels. The series of drawings and cut-paper wall installations presented in the exhibition examine the physical, material qualities of coal and oil, aiming to raise awareness of our disconnection and dependence on these resources. Through different visual and conceptual approaches, the exhibition highlights the power and …

    Arts at UCF
  • Florida Prison Education Project (FPEP) Open House

    Rehearsal Hall

    On August 29th, the Florida Prison Education Project (FPEP) is hosting an Open House for anyone interested in learning more about higher education in prison. FPEP was established by UCF faculty in 2018, with a mission to provide educational opportunities to incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people in Florida, research the societal benefits of prison education, and integrate the study of justice into …

    Arts at UCF