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Friday, September 08, 2023

  • Covering Carbon by Kathleen Thum (Recurring Event)

    UCF Art Gallery

    Covering Carbon is an exhibition that explores the complex relationship between humans and fossil fuels. The series of drawings and cut-paper wall installations presented in the exhibition examine the physical, material qualities of coal and oil, aiming to raise awareness of our disconnection and dependence on these resources. Through different visual and conceptual approaches, the exhibition highlights the power and …

    Arts at UCF
  • Studio Art Portfolio Q&A Session


    During this Q&A session, SVAD drawing and design faculty along with our SVAD advising team will answer questions about the Studio Art Portfolio Review. Please come prepared by watching previous info sessions on our YouTube channel and reviewing the requirements on the portfolio review website. Please Note: this is NOT an individual portfolio review session. Attendees MUST watch at least …

    Arts at UCF
  • Faculty Recital: Jeff Moore, Thad Anderson, & Kirk Gay, percussion

    Rehearsal Hall

    The UCF percussion faculty, Dr. Thad Anderson, Professor Kirk Gay, and Dean Jeff Moore, will present a recital of works for solo, trio, and featured trio with percussion ensemble. Included in the program is a world premiere of a brand new work composed by percussion studio alum Joe W. Moore III ’09 The piece was commissioned by Dean Moore. Jeff …

    Arts at UCF