Inclusive Education Services

Tuesday, February 07, 2023

  • Resume Critiques with an Employer (Recurring Event)

    CSEL bldg 140: 121

    Resume critique only. Secure a time to get feedback from industry experts! Judgment-free zone.Sessions will be 30 minutes each.  These sessions will be on a first come, first serve basis. No appointments are needed or will be accepted, walk-ins only.  ON DAY OF WORKSHOP: Resume critiques will take place in-person on main campus in the CSEL building on the 2nd floor.  Bring at …

    Inclusive Education Services
  • CANCELED: Job Search, Accessibility, and You

    CSEL Building 140: Room 121 and Virtual

    Not sure when in your job search to disclose a disability? Don't know how to ask your employer for a job accommodation? Attend this workshop to learn about when and how to disclose to an employer that you have a disability, and how to ask for accommodations if needed for your job search or in your current position.

    Inclusive Education Services
  • Craft your Elevator Pitch

    CSEL Building 140: Room 121

    Get ready for Career Expo by practicing your Elevator Pitch during our Drop-in Clinic! Are you aware you may only have 30 seconds to make a great first impression with a recruiter? Come by UCF Career Services room 121 anytime between 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm to learn how to create or to practice your Elevator Pitch.

    Inclusive Education Services