This calendar lists graduate thesis and dissertation events. Send all notices to the College of Graduate Studies at

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

  • Dissertation Defense: Assessing the Barriers to Reintegration Among Returnees in Nigeria

    UCF Education Complex and Gym: 306

    This study assessed barriers returnees experience during reintegration following displacement due to conflict and armed violence in Nigeria. The reintegration of returnees has been portrayed over time to be a complex process. Additionally, most studies and interventions have placed precedence on the objective aspect of reintegration, which emphasizes the economic part, while ignoring or focusing less on the subjective facet …

    Graduate Thesis and Dissertation
  • Thesis Defense: Integrated Healthcare in the U.S. Safety-Net System: Meeting the Needs of Patients through Comprehensive Medical and Social Care

    HPH: 409M and Virtual

    This thesis examines how a Patient-Centered Medical Home addresses, implements, and provides medical and social resources and services within the Florida U.S. safety-net system, and how patients and providers perceive health care interactions. The safety-net clinics fill the care gap for millions of uninsured low-income U.S. residents, including those who are unemployed or undocumented. I have conducted ethnographic research at a safety-net clinic in Central Florida …

    Graduate Thesis and Dissertation