Thursday, August 24, 2023

  • Transfer Lounge: Drop-in Coaching Hours

    Transfer Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall, 215

    Are you a new transfer student at UCF? Still, have questions on navigating campus? Stop by any time during our drop-in coaching hours for questions on all things UCF or if you want to take a break in our lounge space. 

    Events at ucf
  • Horsin' Around with Honey (Recurring Event)

    UCF Downtown

    The first week of school can be overwhelming, so take a break and meet Honey the Mini Therapy Horse! The UCF Police Department is hosting this event and will have officers with Honey to answer any safety-related questions. Honey will start at UCF Downtown around 9:30 a.m. and will then visit main campus around 11:30 a.m., starting at Memory Mall. …

    Events at ucf
  • Horsin' Around with Honey (Recurring Event)

    UCF Downtown

    The first week of school can be overwhelming, so take a break and meet Honey the Mini Therapy Horse! The UCF Police Department is hosting this event and will have officers with Honey to answer any safety-related questions. Honey will start at UCF Downtown around 9:30 a.m. and will then visit main campus around 11:30 a.m., starting at Memory Mall. …

    Events at ucf
  • Environmental Empowerment Meet-Up

    Student Engagement Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall, Room 202

    We have the power to create a healthy environment for generations. Stop by this meet-up and learn from local environmental leaders and UCF Faculty about how you can make a difference. 

    Events at ucf
  • Spill the Tea

    Wellness and Health Promotion Services: Building 88 Room 111

    Relax with a cup of tea…iced tea and tell us how your first week of the semester is going. Along with iced tea, WHPS will have healthy snacks and stress management hacks to start off the year well.

    Events at ucf
  • Fulbright Information Session (Recurring Event)


    The Fulbright Scholarship Program fully funds students of all disciplines to live abroad for an academic year to conduct research, pursue graduate study, or teach English. Attend this Zoom session to learn more!  The August 30th information session has been canceled. We look forward to seeing you at the September 5th session!

    Events at ucf
  • Recharge to Charge On - Meditation for Faculty and Staff (Recurring Event)

    John C Hitt Library: Seminar Room 320

    Relax and unwind with UCF faculty and staff during a free afternoon meditation session, hosted by the UCF Wellness Research Center & Employee Gym from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the John C. Hitt Library Zen Den, Room 320. We will create a peaceful, nature-inspired atmosphere to help you catch your breath, reset your mind, and recharge your body …

    Events at ucf
  • Horsin' Around with Honey (Recurring Event)

    UCF Memory Mall

    The first week of school can be overwhelming, so take a break and meet Honey the Mini Therapy Horse! The UCF Police Department is hosting this event and will have officers with Honey to answer any safety-related questions. Honey will start at UCF Downtown around 9:30 a.m. and will then visit main campus around 11:30 a.m., starting at Memory Mall. …

    Events at ucf
  • Horsin' Around with Honey (Recurring Event)

    UCF Memory Mall

    The first week of school can be overwhelming, so take a break and meet Honey the Mini Therapy Horse! The UCF Police Department is hosting this event and will have officers with Honey to answer any safety-related questions. Honey will start at UCF Downtown around 9:30 a.m. and will then visit main campus around 11:30 a.m., starting at Memory Mall. …

    Events at ucf
  • Identifying and Applying for Graduate Funding Opportunities


    Want to learn more about how to find and obtain funding? This workshop hosted by the College of Graduate Studies and the Office of Prestigious Awards will cover everything you need to know to get started on your journey to obtaining funding.

    Events at ucf
  • Recharge to Charge On - Yoga for Faculty and Staff (Recurring Event)

    John C Hitt Library: 223

    Relax and unwind with UCF faculty and staff during a free afternoon yoga session, hosted by the Wellness Research Center from 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. in the John C. Hitt Library, Room 223. The session will be led by Beth Stone, a Yoga Alliance certified instructor. Participants are encouraged to bring a yoga mat or beach towel. 

    Events at ucf
  • Transfer Talk: Charge on to Leadership with Transfer Knights

    Transfer Center: Trevor Colbourn Hall, 215

    Transfer Knights is a registered student organization on campus that provides social and networking opportunities for transfer students at UCF. Attend this session to learn how to get involved on their executive student leadership board. Applications are open now! 

    Events at ucf
  • Special Lecture: Asian Cultural Community and Chinese Character Exchange

    classroom building 1: 103: 103

    *The in-person lecture is only available to current UCF students, faculty and staff. Recorded lectures will be posted to the website at a later date* This special lecture will feature opening remarks presented by Jeff Moore, Dean, College of Arts and Humanities, UCF and a presentation by Kang Youn-Ok, Professor and Director of East Asian Institute, Myongli University, Korea. This …

    Events at ucf
  • Faculty Senate Steering Committee Meeting

    Student Union: 340 (Charge On Chamber) and Virtual

    The Steering Committee serves as the “executive committee” of the Faculty Senate and typically meets two weeks prior to the Senate. Resolutions approved by the Steering Committee must be submitted to the Senate for final approval.

    Events at ucf
  • Mighty Knights self-defense (Recurring Event)

    UCF Police Department Community Relations Office: Student Union 153

    Our instructors are UCF police officers who are experienced and knowledgeable on topics of personal safety and threat awareness. This course primarily focuses on topics of mindset, preparation and safety awareness, but also utilizes defensive tactics instructors, certified by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to demonstrate basic physical defense techniques. Our courses are designed to provide attendees with information, …

    Events at ucf
  • Purple Heart Commemoration Ceremony

    Live Oak Ballroom/Magnolia Room

    Purple Heart Day is observed on August 7th each year, and the month of August is known by many as Purple Heart Month.  The Purple Heart is the oldest active military honor award in this country.  Since 1917, the Purple Heart has been awarded to US servicemen and women who have been injured or killed while committing meritorious or valorous …

    Events at ucf
  • Opening Reception: Covering Carbon by Kathleen Thum

    UCF Art Gallery

    Covering Carbon by Kathleen Thum, an exhibition that explores the complex relationship between humans and fossil fuels. The series of drawings and cut-paper wall installations presented in the exhibition examine the physical, material qualities of coal and oil, aiming to raise awareness of our disconnection and dependence on these resources. Through different visual and conceptual approaches, the exhibition highlights the …

    Events at ucf
  • Antioch Orlando College Ministry: Lifegroup (Recurring Event)

    Student Union

    We meet on campus in Student Union Room 224 but our college ministry is part of our local church, Antioch Community Church Orlando. Our desire is to see every college student have a saving relationship with Jesus, growing in the life of the local church, and sharing the Gospel with others. Lifegroup specifically is a great way to get to …

    Events at ucf