Career Fairs, Employer visits, Workshops & More!

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

  • Major in Happiness #CRMFALL2021

    CSEL bldg 140: 121

    Undecided about your major? Not sure which career direction to pursue? Attend this workshop to learn how your values, interests, personality, and skills intersect for a career that works for you. Please view the attached “MIH - Career Interest Assessment” worksheet before clicking “Register”. Once you register for this workshop, you will be redirected to complete a Pre-Survey activity utilizing …

    Career Services
  • CRM Kick-Off Event, #CRMFALL2021


    Learn about Career Services and how team members of the Career Development and Employer Relations team can become your ally when looking for employment or just looking to advance your skills. Prizes will be raffled.

    Career Services