Career Fairs, Employer visits, Workshops & More!

Friday, September 17, 2021

  • Mock Interview with an Employer #CRMFall2021


    Mock Interview only and not a real interview. It is ok to be nervous, employers are there to help. This is a judgment-free zone.--Sessions will last 30 minutes. Employers will message you via Handshake and ask that you email him/her a resume for review prior to the meeting to maximize your 30 minutes. You are welcome to include a function/industry you would like to practice for! -- Meetings with employers are a 2-step process. After you …

    Career Services
  • Career Lab (Recurring Event)

    CSEL bldg 140: 121

    Not everyone learns through lectures or watching a presentation. Some of us learn by actually doing, being hands-on, and putting what we learn into practice. If that's you (or even if it isn't...) this lab is for you! Come drop in to learn how to effectively create or update your resume, cover letter, or LinkedIn profile! Our staff will show …

    Career Services
  • Build Your Online Brand #CRMFALL2021


    Identify effective strategies to utilize social media in your job search and how you can use these tools to enhance your online professional brand in order to network with potential employers. For additional tips, strategies, and opportunities to build employability skills during this time, check out our online resource, Career Toolkit for COVID-19 (

    Career Services