Health-focused events from your campus health provider

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

  • Safe Knight Week: Like Hacks

    Memory Mall

    Nobody said being an adult was easy, so stop by and we’ll help you learn the basics of being a grown-up and learn some life hacks. We’ll tell you about budgeting, putting out a fire, basic clothing repair and more! 

    Student Health Services
  • Big Red Bus - Donate Blood or Platelets Today!

    UCF Memory Mall

    Help us maintain a safe and ready blood supply for cancer patients, trauma patients, or when unexpected tragedies occur. The OneBlood bus will park on Memory Mall near the Veterans Memorial. Walk-ups are welcomed, and appointments are appreciated! To schedule regular blood donation:  To schedule platelet donation:

    Student Health Services
  • Gather Lucheon

    Memory Mall

    Join your closest friends for UCF Gather Luncheon on Wednesday, March 13th at Memory Mall!Wellness & Health Promotion Services and Dining Services are partnering to provide a FREE & healthy 3-course meal with vegan and allergen-free options available to the first 200 students who arrive starting at 12pm. (Bring your UCF ID!)

    Student Health Services