
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

  • Grant Writing Academy: Writing a Compelling NIH Specific Aims Page and Research Plan


    Debopam Chakrabarti, Professor of Medicine, UCF College of Medicine, Molecular Microbiology Division Head, will facilitate this session. This session will include drafting a convincing specific aims page and research plan, highlighting the significance of the work, planning the methodology and data management plan sections, and expanding on impacts resulting from the proposed activities. Participation is only open for faculty researchers …

  • Café francophone/French Café (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 358B

    Le café francophone Vous voulez améliorer votre français oral? (Would you like to improve your French speaking skills?) Vous aimeriez connaître des étudiant.e.s qui ont la même passion que vous pour la langue française?(Would you like to meet students who share your passion for the French language?) Bienvenu.e.s au café francophone! Venez échanger avec vos collègues étudiant.e.s dans une ambiance …
