
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

  • Grant Writing Academy: Competitive Proposal Development for the National Institutes of Health (NIH)


    Dr. Dinender Singla, Professor of Medicine, UCF College of Medicine, Cardiovascular Division Leader, will facilitate this session. Several strong/weak NIH proposal writing examples will be discussed to demonstrate best practices. A brief overview of the NIH proposal review process, pros and cons of communicating with NIH program manager before proposal submission, developing an impactful specific aims page, developing a research …

  • Café francophone/French Café (Recurring Event)

    Trevor Colbourn Hall 358B

    Le café francophone Vous voulez améliorer votre français oral? (Would you like to improve your French speaking skills?) Vous aimeriez connaître des étudiant.e.s qui ont la même passion que vous pour la langue française?(Would you like to meet students who share your passion for the French language?) Bienvenu.e.s au café francophone! Venez échanger avec vos collègues étudiant.e.s dans une ambiance …

  • SBA Workshop: How SBA Can Help Your Small Business Achieve the American Dream

    National Entrepreneur Center: Venture Training Room

    We look forward to seeing you In-Person at the National Entrepreneur Center in Orlando. Live Basic Event: This presentation provides an overview of programs available from SBA to support the establishment and growth of small businesses, including loan guaranty and venture capital programs to enhance small business access to capital; contracting programs to increase small business opportunities in federal contracting; direct loan programs …

  • DirectConnect to UCF® Dual Enrolled Student Information Session


    Are you graduating from high school and earning an AA or earning college credit hours concurrently? Join us online for an exclusive information session on DirectConnect to UCF covering topics on dual enrollment and first time in college (FTIC) and learn what guaranteed admission is all about. In this interactive information session, ask questions, and find out what you need …
