Events for UCF Researchers and the UCF Research Community

Friday, February 02, 2024

  • Research Colloquium: Are the recent investments in sports and events by Saudi Arabia sportwashing or the sign of a longer-term strategy?

    Rosen College of Hospitality Management: Anheuser-Busch Beer & Wine Lab, Room 126

    Are the recent investments in sports and events by Saudi Arabia sportwashing or the sign of a longer-term strategy? Join us for a talk by:Professor Adrien BouchetRichard & Helen DeVos Foundation Endowed ChairDirector of the DeVos Sport Business Management MBA program Followed by an audience Q&A panel with:Prof. Adrien BouchetDr. Mike Duignan, Associate Professor, UCF Rosen CollegeIbrahim Hazazi, Ph.D. student, …

    Office of Research