Events for UCF Researchers and the UCF Research Community

Tuesday, February 06, 2024

  • CREOL COLLOQUIUM: Dr. Nathalie Vermeulen, Vrije Universiteit Brussel

    CREOL : 103 and Virtual

    Title: Extra-ordinary spectral broadening behavior of laser pulses in graphene-enhanced waveguides Abstract: Over the past decades, there has been a growing interest in the use of graphene for various photonic applications. Also, the combination of graphene with on-chip waveguides has been extensively explored. While the linear optical properties of graphene are generally well understood, its nonlinear-optical behavior requires further study. …

    Office of Research
  • Google Cloud: Generative AI in Google Cloud


    This session introduces Generative AI Studio and Google Gemini, a product on Vertex AI, that helps you prototype and customize generative AI models so you can use their capabilities in your applications. In this course, you learn what Generative AI Studio is, its features and options, and how to use it by walking through demos of the product. Presented by …

    Office of Research